
USA (California, South Dakota) - Worldwide


Netlandish is a software consultancy based in the USA. We offer consulting, management, and software development services. We specialize in Python/Django and Go development and Linux or BSD operating systems.


All applications that power LinkTaco.com


Utilities for backend web development in Go. Auth, cookies, email, database, and other toolkits.


Go library to use the Sendy API


Django application to quickly provide you with TOTP with recovery codes right out of the box.


Python module to interface with the Sendy API



New git repository added

6 months ago via links

New git repository added

6 months ago via gobwebs

New git repository added

6 months ago via gobwebs

New git repository added

6 months ago via gobwebs

New git repository added

6 months ago via gobwebs

New hg repository added

3 years ago via django-nlotp

New hg repository added

4 years ago via sendypy